Needless to say I didn't sleep well after that, the A/C ran all night, and all morning, "I think I can, I think I can." With no prevail. So we got up at 7am (an ungodly hour when I don't have plans) and headed to Nonie's house to cool off. Along the way the car made several funny noises, and it's air went out too!!! Dog Days of Summer!!!! As long as I go over 40mph it works! Is that a valid reason to speed? East Valley Police, please take pity on me!!!
After that I spent some time searching for a new job (I have a strong dislike for working at the gym) on Nonie's Ipad. We were going to help her set up her new class room, but she was bombarded with congratulations on her first trip, and never made it by to pick us up from her house.
There was a wonderful blessing from the housing department when I came home. AIR! They had fixed my air conditioning, God Bless them! We took naps in our air conditioned house, then headed to the gym to work (another ugh). Visit Bird's Nest to hear about his day in the Kidzone! We worked until 9pm, came home, ate, and went to bed! I feel very blessed today because of my air, and my wonderful son, who is now very comfortable with saying Momma :)
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