Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Honorable Mention

There is a picture up on My Country Blog of This and That that I absolutely love! Red cardinals in the snow is what I am looking forward to seeing now that I live in a place with snow and cardinals! She took a beautiful picture, and provided a great idea for a Christmas basket, I definitely think she is worth checking out!


KentuckyFarmGirl said...

I came in here to congratulate you and found an honorable mention! Thank you so much!! I love my cardinals in the winter. They brighten up all the black and white!

You won one of the glass light blocks on my blog! Check it out in my latest post :).

Aimee said...

I am pretty excited about the glass light block! I took a look at your tutorial and I might try to make a couple more. I just moved into my house, and Christmas cheer seems like a perfect way to warm up to it! I look forward to reading more on your blog!